Pupil Behaviour

All members of staff work hard to establish positive relationships with all children. These are based on trust and respect. We achieve these by encouraging good attitudes and behaviour through rewards and praise.

Because we expect good manners from our pupils, we treat them with courtesy. We aim to develop self-discipline, self-respect, and respect for others, so we attempt to promote an atmosphere where these are valued.

In a small school we have the advantage of knowing our pupils well. This helps us to maintain our good relationships. If, however, any child continually breaks our school rules then action will be taken. Often a verbal reprimand is sufficient. In other cases, parents will be contacted so that we can work together to overcome a problem. If parents feel they have a concern, then their first point of contact is the class teacher who will work with them to try to resolve the matter.

Good communication and the support of parents is essential in the maintenance of good standards of behaviour.