Our School Day

Start of the Day

The school gate opens at 8.30am, with registration from 8.50am. We are able to provide a Free breakfast club for all children every morning from 8.30am, our children can then walk straight to class. Start of the day activities are begun by the children independently prior to register closing at 8.55am.

Please do not allow your child to be late.  It is important that every child is ready for lessons on time.  Lateness will be marked in the register.  We shall, of course, understand when circumstances conspire to make you late; we have all suffered with car trouble!  On occasions when children are late, they should enter the school using the buzzer at the school gate and a member of the school staff will respond.

Pedestrian Access and Car Parking

There is pedestrian access via a gate to schools, but we do not have parking available on our school sites.  This gate is locked shortly after 8.55am for security reasons and is unlocked just before the end of the school day.

Cycle and scooter racks are available for children to use and are located on our school sites.  Children are asked not to ride their bikes or scooters on the school site.

End of the Day

Our school day ends at 3.15pm.  Parents or other persons collecting children are asked to arrive as near to then as possible.  Parents are asked to wait on the playground area for all children.  Children will be brought out onto the playground by a member of our school staff.

Children must not leave the school playground without an appropriate adult.