Dear Parents and Carers,

It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as Oak Class’ teacher. I have managed to meet and greet some of you at the gate whilst I’ve been in school over the last couple of weeks. I’ve also taken the time to be in class and get to know the children before we start together in September.

Over the summer I’m setting you all a little challenge! It’s call extreme reading! I would like to see photos of you all reading in extreme places or positions. Up a tree, in the sea (keep those pages dry), at the farm or in a man-made tent? I’ll spend the summer thinking of a special prize for my favourite picture/place, so get your (unlimited) entries in.

Taking our learning into the real world is super important, so over the summer try to get involved in day to day activities such as cooking, planning meals, food shopping, bug and flower hunts, telling the time or planning a day out or a local walk.

I am very excited to get into class in September and start our journey together. I hope you all have adventurous summer holidays. Keep safe and well and enjoy your break together.

Kindest regards

Mr Copping