Our Curriculum Intent
At the Three Saints Federation, our curriculum is designed to be challenging and ambitious and enables our children to be inspired to be the best they can be.
It is progressively sequenced to allow children to build upon prior knowledge and develop an overarching narrative of the subjects we teach.
We endeavour to provide rich and first-hand learning opportunities that will take children beyond their everyday experiences. In turn, children will develop a strong work ethic and interpersonal skills as well as becoming independent, creative and critical thinkers. Our curriculum is underpinned by our Christian Values incorporating John 10:10 and “Together we flourish”.
Within our school communities, we celebrate and welcome differences: every child is recognised as a unique individual. Our curriculum is relevant and accessible to all learners, yet adaptable to ensure inclusivity. Our mixed aged classes encompass our ethos that learning is based on stage of learning not chronological age.
We believe every child deserves a challenging, broad and balanced curriculum that is underpinned by the teaching of knowledge, skills, concepts and values that they will need to become proficient both academically and socially to prepare for life in modern Britain.
We strive to engage children in their learning so that they are happy, enthusiastic and curious every second of the day.
We intend for our children, when they move on to Secondary School and beyond, to be confident to tackle any obstacle using their range of abilities and for our children to feel empowered to make great choices about their lives and futures.
Our Curriculum Rationale
Our curriculum provides children with opportunities to study knowledge in depth as part of knowledge rich projects. We believe our children need time to explore and absorb new knowledge and concepts in each subject area, giving our children confidence in the use of new vocabulary and progressive oracy skills.
A knowledge and skills-based approach is followed to ensure that all children make progress with their learning as they move through our schools. Children of all abilities are provided with opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills through a range of activities and support.
Our curriculum is planned and sequenced in a way that supports our children’s learning during their time with us.
We place great value in trips and activities for the children to support their understanding of the areas being explored. Knowledge of our communities, particularly the impacts of Covid, has informed us that in these areas, children are not always able to experience at home.
Therefore we aim to provide our children with cultural capital and broader experiences. We resolve to deepen children’s engagement with our projects which will embed their learning in their long-term memories.
Our Curriculum Plan
Our 4 Year rolling programme can be viewed by clicking on the document below. Our chosen Phonics scheme is Read Write Inc.
Our Subject and Middle Leadership Sysytem
Our Music Development Plan
Knowledge Organisers
At the Three Saints Federation, we use knowledge organisers to inform our parents and carers of the knowledge we want our children to embed in their long-term memories for the future.
At the start of each term, our knowledge organisers are sent home and shared with families. We display our knowledge organisers in school as a learning aid for our children.
Our children receive quizzes, spelling checks and guided reading activities using the knowledge organisers to help them embed and recall the knowledge they have learned.
The key vocabulary for subjects is of high importance for us, to assist our children to understand concepts and build links between subjects orally and in writing.
For our EYFS (Reception) Knowledge Organisers, the key vocabulary is heavily underpinned to additionally understand the meaning of words within concepts and developing speech and language. This continues at an age appropriate level from Year 1 to Year 6.
If any parents/carers have any queries regarding our Knowledge Organisers, please do go and ask your child’s teacher.
Our Knowledge Organisers can be viewed by clicking on the links below